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    Rate of return plus 30% - 60%

    Water efficiency rate 99.99%

    Water savings 50%-70%

The sports elite uses OsmoDrain 2.0

Test winner with OsmoDrain: the best turf quality in the Bundesliga.

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With OsmoDrain, Wolfsburg and Cologne win the champion title for the best soccer fields. Also Aspire Sports Academy in Doha/Qatar, one of the largest training centers for athletes, awards the champion title to OsmoDrain after a 1-year test phase.
Less water, healthy growth with long roots.
When it rains, rapid drainage and quick drying.
OsmoDrain injection:
Addition of water, oxygen, fertilizer
OsmoDrain extraction::
Removal of biogases, rainwater

Volkswagen Arena Wolfsburg

Rhein Energie Stadion Cologne

Darmsheim Sports field

Erfurt Sports field

France Golf Course

Gumi City Korea

Neulengladbach Stadium

Qatar Emirate on the Persian Gulf

Ravensburg Auxiliary sports field

Red Bull Arena Salzburg

Salem College

Volksstadion Bucharest Romania

Baum Bewässerung

Qatar Emirate on the Persian Gulf

Balcony irrigation

Vorgarten Bewässerung